Introduction: Today we want to discuss the subject True Joy. Often time, people confuse Happiness with Joy. They think that joy is the same thing as happiness. They see happiness as “good happening”, but does Joy come from “good happenings”? We will be considering 3 outlines. I pray the Almighty teach us His word and give us understanding in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Understanding Joy
- What is Joy? According to, Joy is the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.
- From Biblical perspective, joy is a deep inner gladness regardless of circumstances going on around you. That means whether you are rich or poor, sick, or healthy, successful, or struggling, you can still have a feeling of gladness or pleasure deep down inside.
True joy comes from our relationship with God. It is a byproduct of knowing Him, walking in His ways, and experiencing His love and grace. Psalm 16:11, John 15:11, 16:24, Neh. 8:10
Joy is not the absence of difficulties but the presence of God in the midst of challenges. Our faith in Christ enables us to face adversity with a resilient joy, knowing that God is working in and through our circumstances. James 1:2-4
How to experience Joy as a Christian
- Through genuine conversion – Acts 8:39
- Through studying of God’s Word – Jer. 15:16
- In trial – James 1:2-
- Through service to God and mankind – Acts 16:2 5, Matthew 20:28
- Through gratitude – 1 Thess. 5:16-18
The Takeaway
- Joy is a deep-rooted feeling in a Christian because of his/her connection with God. while happiness occurs when there is good happening.
- Joy is not the absence of difficulties.
- True Joy can only be experienced in Jesus Christ.
Conclusion: Joy is a nature of God. As Christians, we must covet for this virtue.